My work centers around the idea of longing for peace and acceptance within me, my surroundings, and my navigation through the world as a lesbian woman. Through this introspection comes a quest for authenticity. Within a breadth of sculptural painting, mixed media works on paper, and intimate drawings, my inner spiritual world unfolds. Utilizing silhouettes and the symbolization of the self through the use of texture or energy ribbons, introduces the world I call “Placeless spaces”. “Placeless spaces” are familiar voids; the places I existed my entire life not knowing where I belonged as a lesbian woman.They exist as an inbetween of land and infinity. We are tied back to reality with the use of foliage or sculptural architecture as a sign of transformation and solidification of a personal mythology. Square tiles, “stars”, are then used to provide a sense of hope or longing to something we can’t quite materialize, as well as a nod to my personal spirit guides helping me find my way. In these works I resurrect my past of hiding the details of who I am, exposing my changing and developing present self, and longing for my future of peace in a place, space, and body that I make space for each day.